Topics covered:

  • Krishna as Putana-Ghatana (Pastime & Significance).
  • Who is Putana?
  • Putana enters Gokula.
  • BG 4.8 paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam dharma-saḿsthāpanārthāya sambhavami yuge yuge to deliver the pious to annihilate miscreants.
  • Avatar”.
  • Kamsa consults his demoniac counselors.
  • The Plan – Persecutions.
  • Killing of Male Infants.
  • Sri Krishna’s Birth Ceremony.
  • Nanda & Vasudeva meet.
  • Vasudeva’s warning of disturbance in Gokula.
  • Nanda Maharaja’s Deliberation.
  • Vasudeva’s warning of Potential Disturbance in Gokula.
  • Warning was friendly and sincere.
  • The value of timely warnings and good advice.
  • Nanda takes shelter of Vishnu.
  • Fear as an impetus for bhakti.
  • Being fearless in superior protection.
  • Fearless under Krishna’s Feet.
  • Who is Putana?
  • Kamsa consults demoniac ministers.
  • Kamsa decides to send Putana to Gokula to kill Krishna.
  • Putana – a khechari witch & one of Kamsa’s many demoniac associates.
  • Khecari witches can fly in the sky on uprooted trees.
  • Skilled in the black art of killing small children.
  • What is black art? – Left Tantra.
  • Scriptures provide guidelines for all activities, both good and bad to facilitate the desires of the conditioned souls.
  • Krishna’s Holy Name mitigates all ghostly effects. But, Krishna uses anxiety to draw devotees towards Him.
  • Putana enters Gokula without permission – how?
  • Goal – to feed Krishna poisoned milk.
  • Disguised as a beautiful cowherd woman – Descriptions.
  • She appeared like the Goddess of Fortune with a lotus flower in her hand, come to see Krishna.
  • Her beauty mesmerized everyone & she was left unchecked.
  • Danger of Material Beauty.
  • Putana enters Nanda Maharaja’s house and sees Baby Krishna..
  • Her understanding …
  • Putana senses the supreme destructive potency of the child.
  • Krishna gives intelligence, remembrance and forgetfulness ( nsarvasya caham hrdi sannivisto – BG 15.15 ).
  • God is Supremely powerful & transcendental in all circumstances.
  • This applies whether in the spiritual world or the material world.
  • He is God either as a baby or as a cowherd or as a prince or as a boar, etc. as His various descents show.
  • Krishna does not have to meditate to become God. He is eternally God.
  • Putana enters Gokula.
  • Krishna displays His baby pastimes Krishna’s pastime with Putana Closes His eyes Why? …
  • Putana’s hesitation.
  • He did not like to see Putana’s face.
  • Killing a woman, brahmana, child and cows is a sin – Vedic rules.
  • Krishna saw Putana as a nurse.
  • VEDA – 7 MOTHERS: Original Mother, Brahmana’s Wife, Guru’s Wife, King’s Wife, Cow, Nurse, Earth.
  • Putana took Krishna on her lap.
  • She was holding death personified.
  • Both Rohini and Yasoda were there but could not understand.
  • Thought of her as having motherly affection.
  • Putana smeared powerful poison on her breasts and pushed her nipples within Krishna’s mouth.
  • Krishna while sucking the milk also sucked out her life air.
  • Putana cried loudly “leave me” and perspiring and trembling fell to the ground, regaining her original witch form.
  • Mile body came crashing down.
  • Anxiety of Gokula’s Inhabitants.
  • Gopis shocked.
  • Krishna’s Yogamaya potency.
  • They rushed to Krishna.
  • Vatsalya.
  • Prayers for protection.
  • With cow’s tail & circumambulation, cow urine, cow dung and dust raised by walking of cows.
  • Purification of body.
  • By the chanting of Vishnu’s Holy Names – Significance of Tilaka.
  • Anxiety of Gokula’s Inhabitants Purification.
  • Performance of Achamana – sipping water while chanting.
  • Tilaka and the different forms of the Lord protecting the various limbs in the body – 12 tilaka markings.
  • Body – Through Bathing Mind – Through Mantra.
  • Anxiety of Gokula’s Inhabitants.
  • Why are the cow and bull so importantly revered?
  • Krishi go rakshya – agriculture & cow protection.
  • The cow is mother – nourishment through milk.
  • Panchagavya for worship & cow’s role in countering spirits.
  • Bull as tiller of field – backhone of subsistence.
  • 33 million devatas reside in the body of the cow
  • Anxiety of Gokula’s Inhabitants Krishna Himself personally shows the value of cow protection ( KRISHNA AS GOPALA, GOVINDA, GO-BRAHMANA HITAYA CA )
  • Krishna’s Unlimited Mercy.
  • Krishna took Putana like His mother.
  • The Lord bestows the Highest benefit even to His enemies.
  • Putana attained liberation or Sayujya Mukti.
  • We should be favorable towards Krishna.
  • Putana’s dead body burnt.
  • Fragrance of aguru from her body.
  • Purification by contacting Krishna.
  • Inhabitants of Gokula prayed for Krishna’s safety and blessed Him.
  • Spontaneous affection for Krishna.


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