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Dear readers, here comes an interesting story about how dhEvEndhran and naaradhar played a game to bring a fight between Siva and VishNu to establish who is superior among the two. This story is available in the puranas.

The Plot by Narada Muni and Indra

Once, there was a battle between Vishnu and Shiva. There was no cause for this; it was just Narada Muni’s jubilation. Narada was once in the assembly of Indra, and Indra was praising Mahadeva. He was saying, “Lord Shiva has three eyes, and fire comes out of his third eye and all that.”

Narada Muni said, “There are so many Shivas. In every universe, there are eleven Shivas. My Lord is different. He has no third eye, but He knows everything.”

Indra replied, “No no no, you don’t know. Vishnu is alright, he’s the avatar, but Shiva is the great powerful person.”

Narada said, “If it is so, why don’t you go and ask Shiva to have a fight with Vishnu? Then we will see who is more powerful.”

Indra thought, “That would be a nice thing to do,” so he went to Kailash.

Indra’s Visit to Kailash

Shiva’s bull, Nandi, asked, “What are you doing on Kailash? This is meant for people who meditate.” Nandi, a great yogi and astrologer, saw Indra and knew there would be trouble. He said, “Get out of Kailash. You are an enjoyer, so what are you doing here?”

Indra replied, “No, I have only come here for Shiva’s darshana without any motive.”

Nandi said, “I am an astrologer, and I can see on your face that you have come here to create trouble. Don’t give any trouble to my Lord; he is peacefully meditating.”

Indra insisted, “Let me in, Nandi.”

Indra was eventually allowed in. When he came in, Shiva was in deep meditation. Indra prayed to Mahadeva so much that finally Shiva opened his eyes.

“Indra! Why are you here? There is no trouble happening. I don’t think you have come here to ask me to fight with someone.”

Indra confessed, “I must say that I only visit Kailash to ask you to fight with someone, but this time it’s not a demon.”

“Who is it then?” Mahadeva asked.

“We had a little argument,” Indra said. “Myself and Narada. I said that you are the most powerful, but Narada said that Vishnu is the most powerful.”

Shiva said, “You see this japa-mala I am holding? Do you know what I am chanting?”

“I heard that you chant Rama’s name,” Indra replied.

Shiva said, “So I am chanting Rama’s name. And then you are asking who is more powerful. If I am more powerful than Him, then He must be chanting my name. But it would never happen; I am chanting His name.”

Indra said, “That is right; that is Purana, but I want to see it.”

Shiva said, “Why do you want to see it? I am telling you, He is the most powerful, and all power comes from Him. I only destroy this universe; that is all the power I have.”

Indra persisted, “Even though you say these things, I don’t believe it.”

“Why don’t you believe it?”

“Because you are so powerful that you burnt the fort which was flying in the sky.”

Shiva said, “I know what you are up to. You want to have some entertainment. So you go to Visvakarma and ask him to make a bow for me. I am a babaji, but you want me to fight. So at least give me some weapons.”

Preparation for the Battle

Visvakarma used his mystic power and made a bow. This bow was so big that 300 people had to carry it. Actually, it was in a cart. The cart had so many wheels, and 300 people had to push it to move it an inch, and then they had to rest for half an hour. So this was the size of the bow. It was unstrung also; the thread was separate. So that was brought in front of Lord Shiva.

“This is a good bow,” Shiva said, and took it up. When he took it up, all the demigods fainted. It was such a huge bow, and Shiva was just lifting it so easily. Then Indra said, “See? I told you, he’s very strong. Don’t think that he’s just a babaji meditating. He’s got so much strength.” Shiva then strung the bow and said, “All right, I am ready.” Then they went to Brahma and asked him to invite Vishnu.

Vishnu’s Acceptance

Vishnu was sitting in Svetadvipa and said to Lakshmi, “I wonder what Brahma is calling for now?”

Lakshmi said, “Maybe some demon is there.”

“How can a demon have come without My knowledge? There is no demon,” the Lord said.

“Then You must also know why he is calling You,” Lakshmi said.

“Yes, I do. He wants Me to have a fight with Lord Shiva.”

“Oh,” Lakshmi said. “I would like to see that.”

“Then I’ll have to do it,” the Lord said. So He got up from His seat and came to the other side of the milk ocean. He said, “All right Brahma, I am ready.”

And then Indra said, “But there is one condition – You don’t bring any bow or anything from Your spiritual world. We will give You something from this world. Otherwise, You will overpower him easily, we know that. We want a straightforward fight.”

The Battle Begins

Visvakarma made another bow. Shiva’s bow was called Mahesha-chapa, and Vishnu’s bow was called Vishnu-chapa. Both were made by Visvakarma and were equal in strength. They were exactly the same. They were copies. So Vishnu came and said, “No problem, I will take it.” So he took the bow, and He came and lifted it.

When He lifted the bow, because He has an eternal associate called Sarnga, who is His bow, and when Vishnu touches any bow, Sarnga will come in there and it will become Sarnga-dhanu. He took the bow, and Sarnga entered. Nobody could see this happen.

Vishnu came, and Shiva was there. As soon as Vishnu was in the vision of Mahesha, Shiva offered his obeisances and clapped his hands, rolling on the floor in ecstasy. Indra said, “What’s going on?” He turned to Narada Muni and said, “Go and tell him to give up his devotion and fight!”

Narada Muni went to Shiva and said, “You have forgotten that there is supposed to be a fight. You have surrendered.” Shiva then said, “Please, bless me so that I can fight with You.”

Vishnu blessed him, “All right. You can fight with Me.” So they were fighting, fighting, fighting, and it was going on for a long time. Finally, Shiva put the bow down and started running away from the battlefield, and all sorts of astras were coming out of Sarnga, and Shiva ran away. He ran and shouted to Indra, “I told you! I told you! Now I am in trouble!”

Of course, Vishnu was not angry; He was only smiling. But then all the demigods prayed to Vishnu, “Please stop the war. We need Lord Shiva.” So then the war was over, and Shiva was saved.


Dear readers, see from the slOkams 11 to 15 of Sreemadh RaamaayaNam it is clear that there was a fight between Siva and VishNu. The reason alone was not clear. The confirmation for a fierce fight, which took place between these two and by a hoonkaaram Vishnu broke Siva’s bow, is again available in Vaalmeeki Raamaayanam.

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