You are currently viewing Kacha’s Devotion: A Tale of Obedience and Perseverance

Indra’s Offense and the Demons’ Victory

Indra, the king of the devas, once offended his spiritual master, Brhaspati. In contrast, the demons were submissive to their spiritual master, Sukracharya, and as a result, they emerged victorious in battles against the devas. Sukracharya, using the amrta sanjeevani mantra, brought dead and injured demons back to life, further tipping the scales in their favor.

Kacha’s Mission

In response, Brhaspati summoned his son, Kacha, and instructed him to learn the amrta sanjeevani mantra from Sukracharya. Kacha wholeheartedly accepted his father’s command and made it his sole goal.

Kacha Becomes a Disciple

Kacha went to the demons’ camp, offered respects to Sukracharya, and requested to become his disciple. Although Sukracharya knew Kacha’s true motive, he allowed him to stay but was determined not to teach him the mantra.

Devayani’s Love and the Demons’ Plot

Over time, Sukracharya’s daughter, Devayani, fell in love with Kacha and decided to marry him. The demons, disliking Kacha’s presence, decided to kill him. They chopped him into pieces and scattered them in different directions. That evening, Devayani, unable to find Kacha, went to her father and pleaded, “Father, I feel that something wrong has happened. Please use your amrta sanjeevani and bring Kacha back as I want to marry him.”

First Revival

To please his daughter, Sukracharya chanted the mantra, and Kacha reappeared. Kacha requested Sukracharya to teach him the mantra, but Sukracharya refused. Undeterred, Kacha waited patiently.

Second Revival

The demons tried again, this time grinding Kacha’s body into a paste and throwing it into the ocean. Once more, Devayani cried, and Sukracharya used the mantra to bring Kacha back. Kacha asked again for the mantra but was denied.

Final Attempt

Determined, the demons made a final attempt to kill Kacha. They chopped him up, ground him, mixed his remains with wine, and gave it to Sukracharya to drink. That evening, when Devayani asked for Kacha, Sukracharya realized Kacha was inside him. Kacha spoke from within Sukracharya’s stomach and suggested, “Shukracharya, you have no choice. If you want to live, you must teach me the amrta sanjeevani mantra. First, use it to bring me out, then I will use it to revive you.”

Sukracharya’s Reluctant Blessing

Reluctantly, Sukracharya taught Kacha the mantra. Once Kacha learned it, he emerged, causing Sukracharya’s death. Kacha then revived Sukracharya using the mantra. Sukracharya acknowledged Kacha’s perseverance and said, “By the power of your obedience to your father and spiritual master, you have achieved what even the greatest devas could not.”

Moral of the Story

Kacha’s unwavering obedience to his father’s instructions enabled him to endure all hardships and achieve complete success. Often, we only accept instructions that suit our mind and intelligence, ignoring those that challenge us. Arjuna’s surrender to Lord Krishna’s instructions in the Bhagavad Gita led to his success on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. In verse 18.73, Arjuna says:

“arjuna uvaaca nashto mohah smrtit labdhaa / tvat prasaadaan mayaacyuta sthito ‘smi gata sandehah / karishye vacanam tava”

“Arjuna said: ‘My dear Krishna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.'”

The Essence of Obedience

Surrendering with your heart to the instructions from superiors, as exemplified by Kacha and Arjuna, is crucial. Manu’s obedience, without reservations and beyond envy, led to his complete surrender to Lord Brahma’s instructions.

Conclusion and Prayer

Let us strive to cultivate obedience and surrender to the wisdom of our superiors, embracing their guidance wholeheartedly and without hesitation.


O Lord, grant me the strength and humility to surrender wholeheartedly to the instructions of my superiors. Help me to embrace their wisdom with an open heart, overcoming any reservations or envy. May I, like Kacha and Arjuna, find success through my unwavering devotion and obedience to Your divine guidance.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

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