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Krishna’s Praise for King Janaka

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna praises only one personality: King Janaka. This is significant given the vast array of characters and sages within Hindu scriptures. King Janaka, father of Sita, exemplifies wisdom, restraint, and a profound understanding of dharma.

Sita’s Tribulations

Sita, the daughter of King Janaka, married Lord Rama and faced numerous tribulations. She accompanied Rama to the forest during his exile and endured many hardships. Even after their return to Ayodhya, Sita was sent to the forest again. Despite being raised with immense love and care in Mithila, Sita faced continuous suffering in her in-law’s house.

Janaka’s Restraint

Despite Sita’s suffering, King Janaka never questioned Rama or Dasaratha about her hardships. He did not interfere in the family affairs of Sita. His restraint and wisdom in handling the situation are exemplary. Janaka understood the importance of not meddling in his daughter’s marital life, maintaining a dignified distance.

Moral of the Story

  1. Respect Boundaries:
    • We should not poke our nose into others’ affairs, especially in our children’s families. Interference can often lead to more complications and misunderstandings.
  2. Maintaining Dignity:
    • King Janaka’s dignity in not questioning Rama or Dasaratha reflects his understanding of dharma and respect for their household. This behavior earned him silent appreciation from Lord Rama.
  3. Balancing Relationships:
    • As Rama, He couldn’t openly glorify Janaka, but as Krishna, He acknowledged and praised Janaka’s qualities. This teaches us to balance our relationships with wisdom and restraint.
  4. Avoiding Over-Intimacy:
    • “Too much intimacy always results in problems.” Maintaining a respectful distance in relationships can prevent unnecessary conflicts and preserve harmony.

The Importance of Non-Interference

  • Peace of Mind:
    • Constantly interfering in others’ lives can lead to agitation and distract us from our own duties and devotional service. A peaceful mind is crucial for spiritual progress.
  • Understanding Boundaries:
    • We must recognize that people generally do not appreciate unsolicited advice. Respecting others’ autonomy fosters better relationships.

Reflection from the Bhagavad Gita

Krishna’s praise for Janaka in the Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the importance of living a life of dharma and self-restraint. Janaka’s example shows how maintaining a balanced and non-intrusive approach can lead to inner peace and harmonious relationships.


King Janaka’s wisdom and restraint in handling his daughter’s tribulations are profound lessons for us. By not interfering unnecessarily and maintaining dignified relationships, we can ensure a peaceful mind and focus on our spiritual growth.

Prayer for Wisdom

Let us pray for the wisdom to respect boundaries and maintain harmonious relationships, inspired by the example of King Janaka:

O Lord Krishna, guide us to follow the path of dharma with wisdom and restraint. Help us to respect the boundaries of others and maintain peaceful relationships. Grant us the strength to focus on our own spiritual growth and service to You.

Jai Sri Krishna! Jai Janaka Maharaj!

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