You are currently viewing The Transformative Power of Krishna’s Pastimes: Rohini devi narated Lord Krishna’s pastimes in Vrindavan

The Transformative Power of Krishna’s Pastimes

The Setting

Once when Krishna was living in the city of Dwarka, Narada Muni, the great mendicant who travels the universe, came into the assembly of Krishna’s 16,108 wives. Narada Muni offered them his respects and began to glorify the Queens, saying how they were the best servants of Krishna and the most glorious devotees in the entire universe.

The Queens’ Curiosity

But by his words, the Queens could understand a different meaning: that Krishna really wants to return to Vrindavan and taste the love of the gopis. Prompted by Narada Muni, Krishna’s wives began asking Balaram’s mother, Rohini, who was also in the assembly, to tell them about Krishna’s pastimes in Vrindavan. She had lived there with Krishna and Balaram before they came to Dwarka.

Rohini’s Narration

Cautious that the discussion should not be overheard by Krishna, Rohini asked Krishna’s sister, Subhadra, to stand watch at the door and prevent Krishna and Balaram from entering into the assembly. Rohini then began to speak about Krishna’s wonderful pastimes in Vrindavan. She described how the residents of Vrindavan only know Krishna as their son, their beloved, or their friend.

Rohini told the Queens, “You sometimes think that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, and you can see His four hands.” She described how in Vrindavan this idea is never present. The inhabitants of Vrindavan see Krishna as an innocent boy who is dancing and playing His flute. His turban is decorated with peacock feathers. He loves, and is loved by, all the cowherd boys and girls.

Krishna and Balaram Overhear

Meanwhile, Krishna, sensing that He was being talked about, came along with His brother Balaram and, standing to the right and left of Their sister Subhadra, They could overhear Rohini’s wonderful stories. Just by hearing these stories, Krishna became overwhelmed with intense feelings of separation for Vrindavan. He was so completely absorbed in hearing the Vrindavan pastimes that His heart began to melt.

Krishna and Balaram became so ecstatic that Their internal feelings were exhibited externally. Their eyes became very wide! Their heads compressed into Their bodies, and Their limbs retracted! They appeared just like the forms that are worshipped today as Lord Jagannath, Subhadra, and Baladev in Jagannath Puri. Gradually, They returned to Their normal consciousness and forms.

Narada Muni’s Role

When Krishna had recovered fully, He could understand that Narada Muni had a hand in this. Narada Muni was worried because Krishna’s extreme feelings of separation had caused this remarkable transformation and he thought that Krishna would be angry with him. Krishna told Narada Muni, “You must have said something that caused the Queens to question Mother Rohini.” Then to Narada Muni’s relief, Krishna told him how happy He was that this had happened and wanted to give Narada Muni a benediction.

The Benediction

Hearing that Krishna was happy made Narada Muni happy and he asked, “My desire is that you will remain in those forms somewhere in this world and the whole world will see you. In that form, you will be patita-pavana, the savior of the fallen and the entire world will be liberated by your darshan. That is what I want.” Krishna replied: “Yes, it will be! I will manifest these three Deities and the Sudarshan chakra (Krishna’s disc) in the city of Puri, on the bank of the ocean.”

Moral of the Story

The Power of Speaking About Krishna:

Speaking about Krishna is a supreme spiritual activity. As Krishna Himself stated to Narada Muni:

naham vasami vaikunthe yoginam hrdaye na ca mad bhaktah yatra gayanti tatra tisthami narada

“O Narada, I do not live in My spiritual abode, nor do I live in the hearts of great meditating yogis, but I live at the place where My devotees speak about My transcendental pastimes.”

In other words, wherever Lord Krishna’s pastimes are being spoken, Krishna is present.

As stated in the Padma Purana:

tulasi kananam yatra yatra padma vanani ca purana pathanam yatra tatra sannihito harih

“Wherever there is an abundance of Tulasi plants growing, wherever there is an abundance of lotuses growing, and wherever Srimad Bhagavatam is being narrated, Lord Krishna Himself is personally present.”

By narrating and hearing Krishna’s pastimes, devotees not only purify themselves but also create an environment where Krishna’s presence is felt, thus fostering a deeper connection with the divine.


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