The Determined Partridges and the Lost Eggs
Once upon a time, two partridges, a husband and wife, decided to go on a trip. Before leaving, the wife laid some eggs near the ocean. The husband then spoke to the sea, “We are going on a journey. You must take care of these eggs for us. If we don’t find the eggs when we return, we’ll empty you.”
The sea agreed to take care of the eggs, and it kept them safe. A few days later, the two partridges returned but couldn’t find the eggs. They screamed at the sea, and although the sea wanted to return the eggs, it couldn’t find them. The partridges cursed the sea and began taking out a drop of water at a time, throwing it onto the land. “We are going to empty you,” they said to the sea.
Some little birds saw this and asked, “What are you doing?”
The partridges replied, “We are punishing the sea because it didn’t keep its promise to look after our eggs.”
The little birds thought it was a noble task and joined the partridges. After a while, some big birds took up their cause, also starting to remove water drop by drop. This went on for weeks.
News of the birds’ effort reached Garuda, the powerful carrier of Lord Vishnu. Garuda came and asked, “What are you doing?”
The birds said, “Can’t you see? We are emptying the sea.”
Garuda said, “You fools, how long will this take? You will never be able to do it. The sea is vast, infinite.”
But the birds answered, “No, we have determination and perseverance.”
Garuda was very surprised and decided to show them compassion. “I’ll ask Lord Vishnu to help them. If Vishnu helps, then certainly they will be able to find their eggs. If the eggs are still in good condition, Vishnu will be able to return them. But if they are destroyed, he can do nothing for them.”
He went to Vishnu. “Vishnu, I have never seen fools like these. If you really care for fools, then will you do them a favor?” Garuda then told him the whole story.
Vishnu said, “No, they are not fools. They are showing the spirit of patience and perseverance. This is how human beings must try to empty the ignorance from the sea of life, drop by drop. It is what seekers must and should do. The ignorance-sea is vast. If sincere seekers want to empty it and replace it with knowledge-light, then they must do it the same way, drop by drop. I am very pleased with these birds. I will command the sea to return the eggs.”
Garuda said, “The sea wanted to give them the eggs but it misplaced them and believes they are destroyed.”
Vishnu said, “I will use my psychic power to show the sea where they are.”
He used his psychic power and the sea immediately found the eggs and returned them to the partridges. Then Vishnu said to the birds, “Perseverance, patience, and self-giving are of paramount importance to fulfill one’s divine task.”
Spiritual Lesson:
The lesson from this story is clear. We must be determined in our spiritual life to achieve our sadhya, or goal. God helps those who help themselves. In our lives, there may be many obstacles, but we should not give up. When the Lord sees our determination, He will come and help us.
Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita 2.41:
vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana bahu-sakha hy anantas ca buddhayo ‘vyavasayinam
“Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched.”
PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share these moral/instructive stories they hear so that everyone can benefit from hearing about Krishna and his dear devotees.